Please note that the deadlines for submissions for review are:
- Fall administration: July 1
- Spring administration: November 1
- Summer administration: March 1
Please note that the deadlines for submissions for review are:
The IUBSC maintains a list of IUBSC approved surveys. Review the surveys that have already been administered at IUB to ensure that your survey does not duplicate any existing surveys.
The Survey Approval Form should be submitted to the IUBSC by the appropriate deadlines.
The IUBSC will assess the request and contact you if further actions are necessary. When approved, the survey will be added to the list of IUBSC approved surveys, a sample population for the survey will be arranged by the IUBSC, and the email dates will be provided. We are coordinating contact (email) dates so that participants do not receive more than one request per day and are not asked to complete more than two surveys per semester, when possible.
Researchers are required to take the FERPA tutorial before accessing student information. It is your responsibility to ensure FERPA compliance. For more information about FERPA visit the Office of Research and Compliance page on FERPA Policies & Guidance.
Ensure that you are aware of the IRB requirements for studies involving human subjects. It is not the responsibility of the IUBSC to confirm that IRB approval has been obtained. For more information about IRB approval at IU, visit the Office of Research Compliance.
All submitters are encouraged to provide a summary of how the data were used for campus improvement or provide articles, reports, etc. that show that the data were used in some fashion. The data and results will be shared on the IUB Surveys Website. If it is not appropriate to share results broadly, it is strongly encouraged that a contact person be listed on the website to address questions about the survey results. For researchers who received a sample from IUBSC, this is required.
Once the survey has been administered, the IUBSC will request follow-up information on response rates, uses/reports, etc.
Contact Angie Gast at OVPUE or Linda Shepard at BAR with any questions about this process.