The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the processes through which incoming multilingual students gain, practice, and master critical thinking and research skills; to learn at what points during a student’s first year of study she or he is most likely to acquire and apply research training; to understand the types of assignments and activities that contribute to research skills development; and to identify unmet student needs within these processes in order to make curricular and instructional recommendations.
Response Rate
Overall Response Rate: Approximately 7%. Since this was a qualitative study, we stopped recruiting efforts once we had exceeded our target quota (30 students). 35 students participated.
Data & Analysis
A summary presentation is attached below. Two journal articles are presently in manuscript form, but have not yet been submitted for review. Andrew Asher can provide these once they are available. Results from this study also contributed to the learning analytics fellows report attached below.
With the new IUCorp and programs like Sustaining Hoosier Communities the campus has a new emphasis on community engaged learning (CEL) experiences. The purpose of the survey is to determine how many faculty are currently incorporating CEL in the courses and how many are interested in doing so. This information will allow us to assess capacity as well as determine who and how many faculty require assistance with CEL.
Response Rate
Overall Response Rate: N/A
Data & Analysis
The survey is intended to provide insight into the perception of the faculty on intercollegiate athletics. Given the shared governance role of faculty on campus, and the representative nature of a membership organization such as the NCAA, the perspective of such a central group is well worth learning. To date there has been no such collection of data, this survey will fill an important gap in the NCAA's knowledge.
Response Rate
Overall Response Rate: N/A
Data & Analysis
No report provided by NCAA
We want to determine if our customers are pleased with
the service that we've provided them, and to receive
suggestions for improvement, what makes us unique, and
how likely they are to recommend our services to others.
We want to examine if the research being conducted by IUB's Learning Analytics Fellows is having and influence or impact on their departments, and whether those departments are adopting learning analytics to make academic decisions.
Response Rate
Overall Response Rate: 14%
Data & Analysis
I have uploaded the publication that resulted from this study. I have also uploaded the survey results.
Thank you